
  • Supachai Singyabuth Makasarakham university


Isan Murals, Cultural Identity, Siam Nation - State


                The objectives of this research article were: 1) To study historical context in relations to content of Isan traditional murals and 2) To study siam Nation-state and Thai identity of Lao-Isan people in traditional murals. The qualitative research data was collected using fieldwork carried out in 30 temples and communities and documentary data collection. The research results are as follows: 1) These Lao-Isan people have Lao Lan Xang culture but was under the rule of Siam nation state. Before Siam became a modern nation state in 1893, Siamese state had allowed Lao-Isan people to govern themselves using the system of Ar Ya Si which was a customary government. However, after 1893, Siam has ruled Isan with the centralization of power in Bangkok and sent civil servants from central government to rule and made people aware of Siam citizenship in various forms, such as the prohibition of using the word, “Lao” in documents of Siamese government. 2)The original Isan murals were recorded by local Isan painters and reflected the styles of Siamese state as well as being Thai-Siam of Lao-Isan people. Starting with Royal Monarchy to Royal traditions, the flag of Siam, uniformed soldiers and civil servants and new elements in Isan society that were presented as superiors of local people including Thai identity and modernity that are presented as part of original murals. It is therefore the context of fine art that is like a local historical record reflecting identity and former Isan culture that arose from the fusion of Lao culture and being citizenship of Siam.


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How to Cite

Singyabuth , . S. . (2020). SIAM NATION-STATE AND THAINESS IN ISAN MURAL. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(11), 259–275. Retrieved from



Research Articles