
  • Wasukit Lao-in Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Sawan Campus


Participation, Civil Society, Development Strategy


          The objectives of this study were to compare and suggest concerning the role of civil society participation in formulating strategies for the development of Nong Tao Subdistrict Administration Organization, Kao Liao District, Nakhon Sawan Province. The study was a mixed methods research. Quantitative research, The sample group used in the research was voters in Nong Tao Subdistrict. By simple sampling method, 400 sets of data were collected from the questionnaires. Quality checked by 5 experts. A consistency index was at 1.00. Reliability was at 0.85. Data analysis by using statistical software packages. Qualitative research: The key informants selected specifically were scholars, community leaders, local scholars, 21 people. The results of the study were as follows: 1) The role of civil society and participation in formulating local development strategies. Found that the development strategy was in line with the national economic and social development plan, cultural runoff and emerging diseases. Causing the community to have a semi-urban lifestyle and participate in a small level. 2)Compare civil society with participation in formulating local development strategies. Found that people share ideas, work together, receive benefits and participated in the evaluation at a moderate level, The management has applied the good governance principles to a good level. 3) suggestions: local must promote participation in the formulation of project plans, to ensure that the villagers have a good quality of life, stable, prosperous and sustainable.


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How to Cite

Lao-in, W. (2020). CIVIL SOCIETY’ S PARTICIPATION TO FORMULATE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(9), 22–34. Retrieved from



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