
  • Phimlada Anansirikasem Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chakriraj
  • Ployprakay Chalardlon Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chakriraj
  • Ruja Kaeomaungfang Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chakriraj
  • Sathirakan Thuajop Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chakriraj
  • Nuananong Srisugsai Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chakriraj


Model, Motivation Promotion, Cervical Cancer Screening


          The objectives of this research article were to develop of motivation promotion model for cervical cancer screening. The research and development is divided into 3 phases: 1: Situation of women without screening for cervical cancer, the sample was consisted of 15 women aged 30-60 years who had not cervical cancer screening tests. Phase 2: Development of protection motivation model, the sample consisted of 10 people, and phase 3: Evaluation of the model, the sample was 20 women without cervical cancer screening. The research tools comprised: 1) focus group guidelines 2) questionnaires of knowledge of cervical cancer 3) questionnaires of protection motivation for cervical cancer screening   4) questionnaires of satisfaction toward motivation promotion model for screening for cervical cancer. Content validity indexes were .95-1.00 and the reliability coefficients were .81-.98. Analyzed the data by content analysis frequency distribution and pair-t test. The results revealed three folds that: 1) Women without screening for cervical cancer, their attitudes about screening is embarrassing and scary, no abnormal symptoms not check, lack of knowledge, and not supported by family members. 2) The model of protection motivation as follows information literacy, knowledge sharing and motivation by encourage from family members. 3) the effect of motivation promotion model for cervical cancer screening, before and after the model was statistically different (p <.05), before using the model, the mean knowledge was 13.4, after using the model mean was 17.7 points. The motivation for cervical cancer screening before the model, the mean was 1.74, after using the model, the mean was 2.74, the difference was statistically significant (p <.05). and satisfaction with the most developed models Has a mean of 4.67.


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How to Cite

Anansirikasem, P. ., Chalardlon, P. ., Kaeomaungfang, R. ., Thuajop, S. ., & Srisugsai, N. . (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOTIVATION PROMOTION MODEL FOR CERVICAL CANCER SCREENING. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(10), 248–265. retrieved from



Research Articles