
  • Ampicha Nawai Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chiang Mai
  • Amavasee Ampansirirat Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chiang Mai
  • Srijan Fujai Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chiang Mai
  • Pairat Kosanpipat Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chiang Mai
  • Sutthida Phongphanngam Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chiang Mai


A Fon Jeng Exercise, Physical Fitness, Psychological Well-Being, Osteoartitis Knee


          The objectives of this research article were to develop and evaluate quality of a Fon Jeng Exercise Model to promote physical fitness and psychological well - being among community - dwelling older adults with knee pain using Participatory Action Research (PAR). There were two phases in the research procedure. Phase 1 was the development of a Fon Jeng Exercise Model process, including 1) investigating the situation of osteoarthritis of older adults in the research areas; 2) studying the concept of promoting physical fitness and psychological well - being of older adults with knee pain using a Fon Jeng exercise; 3) organizing a focus group discussion with the communities to analyze the causes and effects of osteoarthritis and to assess the community needs in preventing osteoarthritis using a Fon Jeng exercise 4) drafting a Fon Jeng exercise model. Phase 2 was the evaluation period of quality of a Fon Jeng exercise model. For assessing feasibility, the intervention was implemented with 10 older adults with knee pain three times per week at 50 - 60 min per practice session for two weeks. The outcome measures of weight, pulse rates, blood pressure levels, pain levels, and physical performance and psychological well-being were examined in before and after completing a Fon Jeng exercise program in two weeks using dependent sample t - test. The results revealed that a Fon Jeng exercise model consisted of three key stages and took 50 - 60 minutes to complete. The first stage was warming up which included 18 postures. The second stage was exercising which included 16 postures. The last stage was cooling down which included 12 postures. There was no significant different in any outcomes before and after completing the program (p - value>0.05). The overall older adults’ satisfaction scores with a Fon Jeng exercise program was a very high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.74, SD. = 0.17).


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How to Cite

Nawai, A. ., Ampansirirat, A. ., Fujai, S. ., Kosanpipat, P. ., & Phongphanngam, S. . (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF A FON JENG EXERCISE MODEL TO PROMOTE PHYSICAL FITNESS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL - BEING AMONG COMMUNITY - DWELLING OLDER ADULTS WITH KNEE PAIN. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(10), 266–285. Retrieved from



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