
  • Sathien Thangthongmadan Mahachulalongkornrajvidyalaya University Nakhonratsima Campus


Pattern, Prosody, Vinayavinicchaya, Uttaravinvicchaya


               The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the pattern of prosody used in Vinayavinicchaya and Uttaravinvicchaya 2) study prosody in Vinayavinicchaya and Uttaravinvicchaya and 3) To analyze the usage of prosody in Vinayavinicchaya and Uttaravinvicchaya. It is the documentary research. The result is found that Vinayavinicchaya and Uttaravinvicchaya is composed by Buddhadatta. It is the commentary of Vinayapitaka. Commentary format is a type of collection. It is composed in verse. Prosody used the principles is derived from the Vuttothaya scriptures. Prosody patterns used in composing includes mattasamaka vijjummala rummavati indavajira upajati vamsattha totaka vasantatilaka aparavatta patthayavatta and vipula. The usage of the prosody was found to be related to the structure of the content explanation. The beginning of the scripture is the beginning chapter said humility to the jewels. The content of the scriptures and the last part of the scriptures are a witchcraft settlement chapter. All three parts of the scriptures are chosen a different prosody by the evangelists. In the analysis of prosody used in writing scripture, it was found that the content of part was different prosody from the text. Therefore, Prosody used in this section strictly complies with the requirements of that particular scheme. The content is the decision of the Vinaya. Therefore, Patthayavatta and Vipula ared popularly because of these two types of prosody, there are very easy. It is commonly used in composing stories, and at the end, the evangelists also use another style. It is the same regulations as the rules used in the section at the beginning of the content


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How to Cite

Thangthongmadan , S. . (2020). THE PATTERN OF USAGE PROSODY IN VINAYAVINICCHAYA AND UTTARAVINVICCHAYA. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(11), 389–402. Retrieved from



Research Articles