
  • Waraman Namwong Maejo University
  • Prapassorn Vannasathid Maejo University
  • Kunpatsawee Klomthongjareon Maejo University
  • Chaiwat Baimai Maejo University


Entrepreneurial Orientation, Social Capital, Dynamic Capability, Competitive Advantage, Measurement Tool


          The objectives of this research article were to: 1) develop latent factor measurement tool 2) quality examination of latent factor measurement tool social capital, dynamic capability. Entrepreneurship features and a competitive advantage in business in innovation business and start-up enterprises in Thailand Investigations with descriptive and inferential statistics were used in 4 latent factors, 15 observable factors according to the resource base theory framework. (Resource-based View) has a sample of 370 samples, total 69 questions in the analysis, the results are as follows. 1) Index of Content Accuracy With 6 experts, it was concluded that the whole textual accuracy index was 0.96, and the content validity was good. 2) Structural stability, the 4 latent factors had element weight between 0.62 - 0.96 at the value Probability value (Probability value) p = 0.054 There was a good structural correlation in the acceptable criteria. 3) Conditional reliability, 15 indicators, 2 indicators, 0.45 - 0.57 moderate level. And there are 13 indicators with a value of 0.62 - 0.96, in the low to high threshold. The statistical significance was 0.01 degrees of freedom equal to 52. 4) Classification power had a common correlation between 0.57 - 0.89, and the classification power was good to very good. 5) Confidence Cronbach's Alpha is between 0.96 - 0.97 and the whole issue is 0.96, indicating that the answer and the question are highly consistent and in the development of measuring instruments by taking data from the analysis of measuring instruments Consider modifying questions or eliminating empirical inconsistencies from the questionnaire.


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How to Cite

Namwong, W., Vannasathid, P., Klomthongjareon, K., & Baimai, C. (2021). DEVELOP A MEASUREMENT TOOL OF SOCIAL CAPITAL, DYNAMIC CAPABILITY, ENTREPRENEURSHIP ORIENTATION, AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(6), 33–47. Retrieved from



Research Articles