Problem condition related to resilience and method to resilience enhancement of family caregiver and behavior to caring elderly with diabetes mellitus


  • Donrudee Tabtim Srinakharinwirot University
  • Ungsinun Intarakamhang Srinakharinwirot University
  • Oraphin Choochom Srinakharinwirot University


Resilience Enhancement of Family Caregiver, Behavior to Caring, Elderly Diabetes Mellitus Patient, Family Caregiver


This qualitative research was to study 1) Problem and cause of resilience of family caregiver 2) Resilience enhancement method of family caregiver 3) caring Behavior elderly diabetes mellitus patients. Instrument the data was collected by In-depth interview with 6 family caregivers of the area in Nonthaburi province 6 District.The information form the interviews was then analyzed by content analysis. The research found that 1) Family caregivers have coped 2 Problems: Conflict with elderly with diabetes mellitus which mainly involves quantity adjustment the type of found and non - cooperation in treatment of patient and Adjust of daily life activities to be consistent caring elderly diabetes mellitus patient. Important causes that lead to resilience External causes are acquisition of facts about diabetes mellitus, Good cooperation from elderly diabetes mellitus patient get support from all around 2) Internal causes are self - esteem optimism. Method to resilience enhancement have 3 patterns 2.1) Created by self 2.2) Created by elderly with diabetes mellitus 2.3) Created by medical professionals. 3) Behavior to caring have 6 way 3.1) Support patients to be self - reliant 3.2) Live action to main caregiver of treatment plan and care to elderly 3.3) Positive communication 3.4) Have a part to treatment plan and time management 3.5) Showing to family by mot divided elderly diabetes mellitus patient 3.6) Facilitating daily life to elderly diabetes mellitus patient. The basic concept of problem and cause of resilience, resilience enhancement method and caring behavior to elderly diabetes mellitus patient, it has been used to in family caregivers, it has been used to take care for elderly diabetes mellitus patient.


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How to Cite

Tabtim, D. ., Intarakamhang, U. ., & Choochom, O. . (2020). Problem condition related to resilience and method to resilience enhancement of family caregiver and behavior to caring elderly with diabetes mellitus. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(10), 463–482. Retrieved from



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