Organization Culture, Quality Organization Culture, Enhancing Students’ Arithmetic LearningAbstract
This research article intended to explores problems and organizational culture for promoting mathematics learning of students in schools under the office of Bangkok Primary Education Area. This qualitative research covers 5 target schools. There are Rachawinit school, Phyathai school, Anubanwatparinayok school, Watphubphachai school and Anubanphibunwes school. and group of informants include experts,administrator, school practitioners and those concerned in general total 70 people.. The data of which has been compiled by means of interviewing, observing, group conversation, and in-depth studying on educational goals, qualitative data analysis, and presenting by means of descriptive analysis. The research divides the study into 3 periods: The beginning period, (beginning - 1977), developmental period, (1978 - 2006) and the reform period, (2007-present). The results show that The important problem of organizational culture are no specific culture for promoting mathematics learning, lacks of focus on beliefs, values and concrete norms And“ Quality Organization Culture for Enhancing students’arithmetic learning” composes of 5 excellent targets, 5 patterns of belief, 7 core values, 10 norms of promoting performances and 4 management activities. This organizational culture is the integration form. It is able to selected as the educational institution aims. The reviewing will help to enhance the learning in mathematics education to be unity , energetic and excellence.
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