
  • Kamalas Phoowachanathipong Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Amnaj Buasiri Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Urban Community in the 4.0 Era, Buddhist Holistic Well - Being, Participating Process


The objectives of this article were 1) to draw up the lesson learnt and design project activities for Buddhism holistic well-being in urban community in the 4.0 era through the participation process of community and Ban-Wat-Rongrean 2) to evaluate the project achievement of Buddhism holistic well-being in urban community in the 4.0 era through the participation process of community and Ban-Wat-Rongrean. Target groups are 128 youths in the learning center of Wat Suthiwararam, Bangkok and 34 adults in the Jitpraphatsorn Project, Ayutthaya province by purposeful sampling. This was a mixed method research. The instruments used were measurements of self-development, measurements of Buddhist happiness and interview. Data were analyzed using mean, confirmatory factor analysis, two samples test on mean, One-Way ANOVA and content analysis. The findings showed that: 1) lesson learnt found that the success external factors of youth groups are building physical space, activities to promote learning, building a network of knowledge exchange, developing social spaces, learning and activities for the generation of intelligence and creativity and the adult groups including Sappàya place, non-strict curriculum, appropriate duration, and teaching techniques of speakers 2) In the design of the activities, it was found that the youth group had 10 activities in 4 dimensions: physical, social, mental and intellectual development, 25 indicators were suitable with the empirical data (Chi-square = .04, df = 2, GFI = 1.00. , AGFI = 0.99, RMR = 0.003) and the adult group had 6 activities, four elements: physical, social, mental and intellectual wellbeing, 46 indicators were suitable with the empirical data  (Chi-square = .70, df = 1, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = .97, RMR = 0.009) 3) After participating the project, youths had higher scores of self-improvement and adults higher scores of happiness.


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How to Cite

Phoowachanathipong, K., & Buasiri, A. . (2020). BUDDHIST HOLISTIC WELL-BEING OF URBAN COMMUNITY IN 4.0 ERA: PARTICIPATING PROCESS OF COMMUNITY OF VILLAGES-TEMPLES-SCHOOLS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(11), 403–419. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/246514



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