
  • Natdaporn Chonweerawong National Institute of Development
  • Paithoon Monpanthong National Institute of Development


Potential Evaluation, Management, Yacht Tourism, Phuket, The Level of Importance and Performance Analysis


          The Objectives of this research article were to evaluate the potential of Yacht Tourism Management in Phuket with the IPA analysis techniques (Importance Performance Analysis) by comparing the level of importance and performance. The data were collected from a sample of 400 yacht tourists who are yacht renters and yacht owners in Phuket from 4 marinas. The main factors were studied in 6 main factors: 1) Marina, 2) Infrastructure, 3) Tourist Attractions, 4) Safety, 5) Formality, and 6) Service System by studying from 35 variables. The Yacht Tourism Management Evaluation in Phuket showed that the sample group emphasized all six factors at the highest level. In terms of the Safety, Tourist attractions, Infrastructure performance were the level with the most performance. While the Service, Marina, and Formalities only at a very high level. The IPA analysis results revealed two factors that needed to be urgently improved: 1) the formalities, namely the yacht imports' duration, requesting permission to import yachts, customs procedure, access to regulatory agency services, visa for crew and yacht owners, and obtaining a yacht visa. 2) the Marina Port, including yacht maintenance centers and facilities on the pier. The researcher presented the guidelines for the management of Yacht Tourism in Phuket, three ways to increase competitiveness and efficiency; 1) Do it first and then it is better 2) Strengthen against competitors 3) Close gaps with participation.


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How to Cite

Chonweerawong, N. ., & Monpanthong, P. . (2021). THE POTENTIAL EVALUATION OF YACHT TOURISM MANAGEMENT IN PHUKET . Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(3), 221–233. retrieved from



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