
  • Shaw-Yu Fang Maejo University
  • Preeda Srinaruwan Maejo University
  • Pusanisa Thechatakerng Maejo University
  • Arunee Yodbutr Maejo University


Antecedent Factors, Online Relationship Marketing, Customer Engagement, E-Loyalty, Mobile Banking


          The objective of this study were 1) to study the antecedents of online relationship marketing that influenced the customer engagement and e-loyalty in mobile banking services; 2) to check the consistency of online relationship marketing model that influenced customer engagement and e-loyalty in mobile banking services. The study had a mixed method research design that used both qualitative research and quantitative research. Qualitative research used 7 in-depth interviews with mobile banking officer from top 7 banks for mobile banking in Thailand to confirm a research model and developing the quantitative instrument. Quantitative research had used 400 mobile banking users been collected through an online survey. The data analysis methods were Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Path Analysis (PA) to testing research hypotheses. The result shows that the result was consistent with the empirical data. All six Goodness of fit model passed the accepted criteria as x2= 190.272, x2/d.f.= 2.503, RMSEA= 0.061, CFI= 0.965, TLI= 0.952, SRMR= 0.04 and found that e-quality and customer perceived had the influence on relationship quality with statistical significance at the level of 0.01 and 0.05 and relationship quality had the influence on customer engagement and e-loyalty with statistical significance at the level of 0.01 and 0.05. The finding of this study was to understand the factors which influenced E-loyalty in Mobile Banking services, for the purpose of developing services of bank and related business to meet customer’s needs.


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How to Cite

Fang, S.-Y. ., Srinaruwan, P. ., Thechatakerng, P. ., & Yodbutr, A. . (2020). THE ANTECEDENTS OF ONLINE RELATIONSHIP MARKETING THAT INFLUENCE CUSTOMER E-LOYALTY IN MOBILE BANKING SERVICES. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(12), 256–271. retrieved from



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