Strategy, Management, Entrepreneur, Student, College of CareersAbstract
This article is intended to: 1) studying the current and desirable conditions and management to strengthen the entrepreneurship of students. Northeast Group Career College. And 2) develop management strategies to strengthen students' entrepreneurship. Northeast Group Career College. This research is a mixed method of research quantitative, simple random queries are used. The sample groups are: 1) The school administrator/deputy director of the school, and 2) the teacher who performs the duties of the head of the department. total of 226 persons. Using statistics on frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. And analyze the priorities of the necessary needs PNIModified. And Qualitative use of interviews and focus group with a Purposive selection. key Information such as 1) academic 2) teacher 3) administrator and 4) business entrepreneur total of 8 persons. All of them are bachelor's degree or higher and have a working more than 5 years. By analyzing PNIModified and SWOT Analysis. The research was found that: 1) The present and desirable conditions There are 5 aspects: 1.1) curriculum development 1.2) teacher development 1.3) entrepreneurial incubator management 1.4) entrepreneurial characteristics and 1.5) cooperation with the establishment. And 2) developing management strategies. There are 9 strategies: 2.1) use innovation, develop skills, have commercial potential 2.2) strengthen creativity, have broad vision, look all around 2.3) see change as an opportunity to show talent 2.4) entrepreneurs The new generation in start-ups 2.5) Develop entrepreneurial incubation process through the SME project 2.6) Encourage and support teachers through entrepreneurial business training. 2.7) To have standardized knowledge in vocational teachers professional competency development 2.8) to educational institutions Provide bilateral education and 2.9) reform the curriculum of vocational teachers.
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