
  • SAYSUDA POCHNAGONE Silpakorn University


Empowerment, Addicted Patients, Family, Prevent Relapse


          The Objectives of this research article were to: 1) to study the level of empowerment for addicted patients and family to prevent relapse, and 2) to study an empowerment model for addicted patients and family to prevent relapse. This research was a research and development model with 2 phases: Phase 1. study the level of empowerment for addicted patients and family. Use the questionnaire as a patient to be treated. Select a purposive sampling of 186 persons. Using statistics of percentage, average and standard deviation, and Phase 2, study an empowerment model for addicted patients and family. Use in - depth interviews and focus group as patients receiving therapy. Select a purposive sampling of 5 persons. Using content analysis and summarizing as an overview. The research found that: 1) level of empowerment for addicted patients and family to prevent relapse are: the individual characteristics of empowerment were important to the effectiveness of the prevention of repeated drug. Most are moderate, but have the lowest level of adherence characteristics, By is moderate level ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 17.05 ,SD = 2.87) into 5 areas: 1) self-esteem awareness, 2) self-satisfaction, 3) ability to solve problems and manage situations, 4) adherence to commitment, and 5) self-development capabilities. And 2) The an empowerment model for addicted patients and family to prevent relapse. The an empowerment model for addicted patients was assessed covering 4 aspects such as: principle, purpose, structure content, and important aspects of the model. Be considered that the information obtained was appropriate, practical possibilities and practicality.


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How to Cite

POCHNAGONE, S. (2020). THE EMPOWERMENT MODEL FOR ADDICTED PATIENTS AND FAMILY TO PREVENT RELAPSE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(12), 305–323. Retrieved from



Research Articles