The Developing Marketing Channels Online Ngob, Basketry products Ngobthai-LaoNgeaw Thong-en Inburi District, Singburi Province.


  • Paskorn Rodpang Thepsatri Rajabhat University


Marketing channel, Online Ngob products, Basketry products NgobThai.


This research article is for 1) To study guidelines to develop marketing channels online Ngob 2) To develop marketing channels online Ngob. Phase 1. Is a qualitative research based on participatory principles, in-depth interviews, group chats and observations. The sample groups used was member of Ngobthai-LaoNgeaw Thong-en 30 people. Use content analytics by category and purpose of the SWOT Analysis to understand the context and conditions of the issue. Phase 2 consists of 1) Proceed to create a Facebook page. 2) Manage Facebook page, edit, update content The message to suit the needs of the group. 3) Training on how to use the Facebook page and product photography training. 4) Promote the page to be known and 5) Deliver the Facebook pages to the group and assign the person responsible for managing it. The research results are as follows. 1) The market problem of the group is 1) The market problem of the group is most of the members are elderly, lack of marketing knowledge, limited marketing channel, focus on selling to the same customers or selling at a fair held by government agencies in the province. The guidelines for developing online marketing channels are: Promoting online marketing knowledge for group members and online marketing via Facebook page because it is a publicity and distribution channel that can reach the target audience easily and quickly and It is also a very popular social media platform today. 2) The results of the development of online marketing channels are: Got the facebook page Basketry products Ngobthai-LaoNgeaw Thong-en that are convenient to use, Provide product information quickly, reach customers and communicate directly with customers. It is also a channel for advice. Show appreciation for the products that are impressed Including being able to tell it to friends or acquaintances as well.


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How to Cite

Rodpang, P. . (2021). The Developing Marketing Channels Online Ngob, Basketry products Ngobthai-LaoNgeaw Thong-en Inburi District, Singburi Province. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(3), 35–45. Retrieved from



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