
  • Phudit Nokhuntod Rajabhat Mahasarakam University
  • Watcharin Sutthisai Rajabhat Mahasarakam University
  • Rangsan Injan Rajabhat Mahasarakam University


Model, Good Governance, Effective Operation, Rattanakosin Rajabhat University Groups


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of Good Governance, 2) to study the effective operation of Good Governance, 3) to study of factor Good Governance influencing the effective of Rajabhat University, and            4) to construct the model of Good Governance influencing the operational of effectiveness of Rattanakosin Rajabhat University Groups. The researches methods are as follows: Quantitative research, the simple consisted of 368 staffs in Rattanakosin Rajabhat University Groups. The research instrument was questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using statistics program to compute frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. Qualitative research, select a specific sample from the stakeholders. Key information are Administrator representative, academic staffs representative, supporting staffs and non-university external experts. This study used semi-structured interview, focus group. The results of this study were as follow: Principles of Good Governance of Rattanakosin Rajabhat University Groups was overall at a high level and Effective operation was overall at a high level. Factor of Good Governance the Effective Operation was high level a positive correlation the results of qualitative research find that Good Governance Factors Influencing to Effective Operation has 3 factors: 1) PDCA quality management cycle 2) moral conscience 3) democratic principles training, participation, majority rule. Research conclusion, Model Good Governance and Effective Operation of Rattanakosin Rajabhat University Groups consist of 11 principles Summary, Therefore, Working when told to do the wrong thing Requires Reflection on the right and on the Principle of the fear of sin


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How to Cite

Nokhuntod, P. ., Sutthisai, W. ., & Injan, R. . (2021). MODEL GOOD GOVERNANCE AND EFFECTIVE OPERATION OF RATTANAKOSIN RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY GROUPS . Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(5), 344–358. Retrieved from



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