Guidelines, Development, Good Citizenship, Office of the Basic Education CommissionAbstract
The Objectives of this research article were to 1) analyze the current and desirable conditions for building good citizenship for school under Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) and 2) establish an approach to the development of good citizenship for school under OBEC, by applying the CIPP Model, and using a mixed research method in gathering qualitative data from the analysis of relevant documents. This is in addition to the use of small group discussions consisting of 10 experts, which include, specialists in the field of educational administration development, and student development in terms of research and evaluation. With regard to quantitative information, data were gathered through the use of questionnaires on the sample group, which consisted of 61 school administrators and 170 educational supervisors, totaling 231 people. Data were analyzed through the use of basic statistical methods and content analysis. The results of the study revealed that, 1) when taking into consideration the details of each method, the current and desirable conditions for building good citizenship of schools under OBEC, all of the mean values were found to be at a significant level. 2) The guidelines for developing good citizenship for school under OBEC by applying the CIPP Model which was developed by the researcher consisted of 4 approaches: 1) the management of lessons to develop good citizenship in the learners’ development activities in accordance with the core basic education curriculum, 2) the management of lessons to promote good citizenship through additional civic courses in the academia curriculum, 3) organizing lessons to foster good citizenship in accordance to the core basic education curriculum in Social Studies, Religious and Cultural Studies, based on the main essence regarding the duties of citizens, culture and life in society, and 4) the implementation of student development programs to develop good citizenship.
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