Skills of Career, Career Curriculum, Curriculum Development, Primary School StudentsAbstract
The Objectives of this research article were to explore career curriculum development to enhance 6th Grade primary school students’ career capabilities and studied of the effectiveness of curriculum in Phayao Province. The methodology was Research and development has divided 3 phases; First phase was qualitative research by focus group 12 experts and the needs assessment, second phase drafting the curriculum and try out with 30 sample of primary school teachers. The research procedure of the career curriculum developmental process was comprised of four stages, namely diagnosis of needs, design a career curriculum, tryout the drafted career curriculum, testing for teachers’ understanding about the career curriculum, and evaluating the career curriculum effectiveness towards students’ career capabilities and 43 6th Grade primary school students involved in the third phase.The findings from the six experts revealed that all the components of good career guidance, including linking curriculum learning to career, require that primary schools have a stable career program to bind them together to achieve the best practices. Moreover, quantitative findings showed that all the components of a career curriculum are highly suitability, and possessing mean scores ranged from 3.60 to 4.07. This is then continued to assess the effectiveness of the developed career curriculum. The descriptive finding showed that students’ career capabilities increased tremendously as the mean score was increased from 9.91 and 13.67 and there were 24 out of 43 students passed the criteria as 70 percent, giving an average percentage as 60.47 percent. Finally, paired t-test findings of the pre-test and post-test indicated a greater improvement of students’ career capabilities (t = 4.396; p<.05).
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