
  • Wilaiwan Issaradet Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Health Promotion, Elderly, Urban Society, Online Communication


         The objectives of this article were to: 1) study the health situation of the elderly in the urban society, Nonthaburi province, 2) to study and develop appropriate health promotion activities for the elderly in urban society via online communication, and 3) to present the appropriate health promotion model for the elderly in urban society through online communication. This was integrated research methods such as quantitative and questionnaires. The sample were 398 people aged 60 and over in Nonthaburi, a proportional sampling method based on frequency statistics, percentages, averages, and standard deviations. And qualitative In-depth interviews and focus group. Select a specific sample represented by key informants such as: including health care experts, Head of government agency caring for the elderly, Social worker, Social media literate, Representatives of the senior citizens' club of 25 people. By analyzing the content and summarizing. The research was found that: 1) the health situations of the elderly in the city society are: The government sector focuses on the development of the elderly to be able to manage knowledge, information, content, online communication which the internet usage behavior can find all types of information. 2) The appropriate health promotion activities for the elderly in urban society in 5 aspects: 2.1) physical, 2.2) mental health, 2.3) intelligence, 2.4) society and environment and 2.5) social relationships. And 3)The models for promoting for the elderly in urban society are: online communication through Web Page, Line, Facebook, and Youtube. By learning according to interests, needs, opportunities, availability. and learning. The potential as a result the elderly have knowledge, Life skills, and Keep up with changes, and able to apply the knowledge gained to benefit self and others.


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How to Cite

Issaradet, W. . . (2021). CREATION OF THE ELDERLY’S WELLBEING IN URBAN SOCIETY THROUGH ONLINE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(2), 347–360. Retrieved from



Research Articles