Teacher Development Model, Science Learning Management, Professional Learning CommunityAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to: 1) study the indicators of science learning management quality of elementary school teachers; 2) develop the teacher development model to enhance science learning management of elementary school teachers based on the professional learning community; and 3) study the effectiveness of the teacher development model. This study was a research and development. The research participants were 15 elementary school teachers of science with a non-science degree through purposive sampling to study of the effectiveness of the model. The research instruments were the teacher development model, the evaluation form of learning management quality, and the satisfaction questionnaire. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used for hypothesis testing. The findings of the research revealed the following: 1) the indicators of science learning management quality of elementary school teachers consisted of four factors and 15 indicators for the following sub-indicators: four indicators for learning management, six indicators for activity management, two indicators for learning materials and learning resources, and three indicators for the learning evaluation; 2) the teacher development model consisted of six elements: 2.1) background and significance; 2.2) principles; 2.3) objectives; 2.4) content; 2.5) the PLCCCA process; and 2.6) evaluation; 3) the results of the effectiveness of the teacher development model found that the quality of the learning management of science teachers when compared with three performances, the tendency was high and significant at a level of .05, and satisfaction with the teacher development model was at the highest level.
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