
  • Sawanan Dangprasert King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
  • Theerapong Wiriyanon King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok


Desirable Characteristics, Legal Profession, Application


The Objectives of this research article were to 1) To develop learning applications to promote the desirable traits of the legal profession; 2) to compare the desirable traits of the legal profession between before and after study by application; 3) To investigate the correlations of desirable traits of the legal profession and frequency of access. It is an experimental research. The samples used to study the results of promoting the desirable traits of the legal profession were selected by volunteer selection from 42 people who downloaded the application. The research instruments were the desirable traits of the legal profession test and the applications performance Assessment. The data were tested normality and analyzed by mean, standard deviation, t - test, and Pearson‘s Correlation. The research was divided into two major phases: phase 1 related to the development of learning application designed for promoting the desirable traits of the legal profession, and phase 2 related to the investigation of learning outcomes obtained from the implementation of learning applications designed for promoting the desirable traits of the legal profession. The findings of the study revealed that 1) The assessment on quality of the application from the experts was at “very good” level; 2) the desirable traits of the legal profession; ethics, morality, legal professional ethics, fundamental working skills and legal knowledge of experimental group showed that the post - test scores was significantly “higher” than the pre-test scores at the level .01; 3) In terms of the correlations of desirable traits of the legal profession and the frequencies of accessing learning applications, it showed that the experimental group’s frequent use of accessing learning applications directly affected better improvements for the desirable traits of the legal profession.


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How to Cite

Dangprasert, S., & Wiriyanon, T. . (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING APPLICATIONS TO PROMOTE THE DESIRABLE TRAITS OF LEGAL PROFESSION. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(5), 455–469. retrieved from



Research Articles