
  • Charoentapong Machu Western University


Good Governance, Issuing Land Rights Documents, Possession Rights


          The objectives of the research article were to: 1) To study the problems and conditions of issuing land title deeds in Phuket area, 2) To study responsibility and inspection in the process of issuing land title deeds in Phuket, and 3) To study ways to improve and resolve the issue of land title deeds in Phuket in accordance with the principles of good governance. This research article was a qualitative research use interviews and group discussions by choose specific examples that divided into 3 groups such as 1) The government as the main land agency, 2) the senior management and the government sector that are related agencies, and 3) the local leaders and stakeholders. from all 10 persons. Using content analysis and summarizing as an overview. The research found that: 1) Problems and conditions for issuing the title deed are: 1.1) criteria methods and conditions for issuing the title deed, 1.2) legal status of the land to which the title deed is to be issued, 1.3) Rules on the land that prohibits the issuance of title deeds, 1.4) the condition of the area changed and the scope of the reserved land is unclear, and 1.5) the state has enacted a restricted reserve law. 2)The responsibilities and audits are: 2.1) government officials lacking good awareness, 2.2) proof of land tenure, 2.3) lack of unity government policy, 2.4) lack of land information network, 2.5) inefficient land use control measures, 2.6) all groups of stakeholders do not take part in management, 2.7) state land encroachment. And 3) guidelines for improvement and correction are Improve the law on land allocation to be appropriate and consistent with the circumstances. In which state land allocation has the same standard and method Land rights Is the same and equal system and an information system for monitoring and auditing.


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How to Cite

Machu , C. . . (2021). G00D GOVERNANCE OF THE ISSUANCE OF LAND TITLE DOCUMENT IN PHUKET PROVINCE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(3), 135–151. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/248639



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