
  • Banjong Lawalee Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, Thailand
  • Phrakhruvijitpanyaporn . Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, Thailand
  • Suthep Maythaisong Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, Thailand


Model, Buddhist Integrated, Administration to Excellence, Mahamakut Buddhist University


          The objectives of the research were 1) to study the factors and indicators of the Buddhist integrated model of administration towards excellence of Mahamakut Buddhist University, 2) test the adequacy of the model against the empirical data and construct, 3) create and assess the operation manual of the said model. The samples were totally 420 in number, together with 5 interviews and 9 consults. The rating scale questionnaire was employed for data collection and the test form was implemented for testing the factors and indicators. The statistical devices such as percentage, mean and standard deviation were used for data analysis, and for reliability and validity of the data, the exploratory, confirmatory, and ordinal correlation analyses for testing consistence in multi-lateral decision were also practiced. The findings showed the following: 1) The factors and indicators of the Buddhist integrated model of administration towards excellence of Mahamakut Buddhist University comprised 4 factors and 20 indicators. 2) The test of consistency of the model displayed χ2 = 178.398, df = 92, P – Value = 0.087, CFI = 0.937, TLI = 0.926, RMSEA = 0.063, SRMR = 0.048, and the structural validity and reliability existed (C.R.) at 0.988 exceeding 0.60, that featured the consistency with the empirical data. 3) The operation manual of the said model was found to show its usability at the ‘MUCH’ level, and the result of the ordinal correlation analysis for testing consistence in multi-lateral decision showed F to stand at 0.28. Which is less than 2.17, which is not in critical territory Therefore, the H0 main hypothesis cannot be rejected. Therefore, all 9 person have the same opinion.


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How to Cite

Lawalee, B., ., P., & Maythaisong, S. (2021). THE BUDDHIST INTEGRATED MODEL OF ADMINISTRATION TOEXCELLENCE OF MAHAMAKUT BUDDHIST UNIVERSITY. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(5), 140–156. Retrieved from



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