
  • Kanokwara Phuangprayong Thammasat University, Thailand


Social Helping Behavior, COVID - 19, Working Age Population


          The Objectives of this research article were to 1) study social helping behavior during the COVID - 19 crisis of working age population in Bangkok and 2) explore factors influencing social helping behavior during the COVID -19 crisis of working age population in Bangkok. Quantitative research was done with data collected by online questionnaires. 1,200 samples were Bangkok residents over 20 years old. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis (enter method). Results were that during the COVID - 19 crisis, the working age population in Bangkok demonstrated a moderate level of overall social helping behavior. 73.00 percent of samples displayed social helping behavior by donating or sharing items, while 52.75 percent offered encouragement or useful opinions to others, and 49.92 percent provided physical help. In addition, population factors including residential areas and religion influenced sharing behavior. Factors influencing overall social helping behavior included social capital, helping model, experience of suffering, pressures caused by COVID - 19, and motivation to help. This research results are useful for understanding the social helping behavior and factors influencing the social helping behavior during the COVID - 19 crisis of working age population in Bangkok and may be used as guidelines for policy formulation to promote human capital, social capital, and citizenship development through social helping behavior roles among the Thai population.


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How to Cite

Phuangprayong, K. (2021). SOCIAL HELPING BEHAVIOR DURING THE COVID - 19 CRISIS OF WORKING AGE POPULATION IN BANGKOK. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(5), 202–224. retrieved from



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