
  • Pravej Maharutsakul Mahachulalongkorn Rajavidyalaya University Nakhonsawan Campus, Thailand
  • Somkid Phumturian Mahachulalongkorn Rajavidyalaya University Nakhonsawan Campus, Thailand
  • Navapongthorn Nitiphuvanon Mahachulalongkorn Rajavidyalaya University Nakhonsawan Campus, Thailand


The Development Format, The Community Model, Sufficiency Economy, Happiness Community


          The objectives of this research article were to 1) study development format underlying community sufficiency economy model “Happiness Community” In Nakhonsawan Province 2) study development process underlying community sufficiency economy model “Happiness Community” in Nakhonsawan Province and 3) build a network of development underlying community sufficiency economy model "Happiness Community" in Nakhonsawan Province. Qualitative research was used, based on action research processes. Selected a model community of Ban Dan Pattana, Village No. 10, Khao Chon Kan Sub-district, Mae Wong District, Nakhon Sawan Province as the research area. For a reason, it received the award for the Sufficiency Economy Village at  the provincial level and the 1st runner-up award, "Baan Suay Mueang Suk”, Project of the region level. Data were collected by Interviewing, focus group discussions and observation. Data analysis by analytic induction from interviews and group discussions data, content analysis from document information to get format and process of developing as a model community were used to create a development network with other 3 villages. The results of the research were as follows: 1) There were 2 forms of community development, namely the leader and the Borwon (Ban, Wat, Government). 2) The development process was 6 steps: creating an understanding of development concept and values, creating an understanding of community conditions, analyzed the potential of the community together, established development groups in each field, Continuous development and improvement and built development networks. And also found that the success of community development produces social outcomes; people in the community have good physical and mental health, caring for each other, analyzed problems and development planning together, community society was peaceful, the family was warm, loved in the homeland, proud to be awarded and as a development model for other villages. The economy outcomes; people in the community had a stable career, had enough income for sustenance and money savings. Environment outcomes; the community environment and ecosystem were balanced.


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How to Cite

Maharutsakul, P., Phumturian, S., & Nitiphuvanon, N. (2021). THE DEVELOPMENT FORMAT UNDERLYING COMMUNITY SUFFICIENCY ECONOMY MODEL “HAPPINESS COMMUNITY” IN NAKHONSAWAN PROVINCE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(4), 307–323. Retrieved from



Research Articles