University Management Strategies, Strategy Development, Sustainable DevelopmentAbstract
The objective of this research article were to 1) to study the current and desirable conditions of the university management strategies according to the concepts of education for sustainable development and 2) to develop university management strategies according to the concepts of education for sustainable development in the areas of economy, society, environment and systematic concepts. This research is mixed method qualitative and quantitative research. The samples used in this study were 243 personnel from public and private universities all over the country. The tools used for data collection in this study were a conceptual framework assessment, a set of research questionnaires and semi - structured interviews. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and content analysis. Results revealed that the current conditions of the university management strategies ranked in a descending order were the curriculum development, the teaching and learning management and the measurement and evaluation of education. Generally speaking, most of the components in each aspect were rated in mostly performed. However, the desirable conditions for the future ranked also in a descending order were the curriculum development, the measurement and evaluation of education and the teaching and learning management. On average, most of their components were expected to be performed the most. Finally, it was found 3 important strategies for university management along the concepts of education for sustainable development. They were: 1) reforming the integrated curriculum design towards sustainable development 2) enhancing the quality of educational measurement and evaluation that promote skills and concept of education management for sustainable development 3) transforming and integrating teaching and learning management into skills and concepts of education management for sustainable development.
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