Model, Application of Sufficiency Economy, Elderly Competency Development, Income Management Household EconomyAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to: 1) promote the elderly’s competency in the community context to increase the per capita income of the elderly, 2) develop a prototype and activities for enhancing career development and income, 3) seek a coalition of networks, network parties of community participation to improve the quality of life of the elderly, and 4) propose the proper alternatives for improving community participation activities to develop the quality of life of the elderly. The Mixed Methods Research. The samples were 60 elderly. The research tools were a questionnaire, an interview form, and focus group discussion. The data were analyzed by using percentage and content analysis. The research results were: 1) The elderly’s competency was improved in the achievement motivation aspect by promoting new work performance. 2) There were three parts in the elderly group model: 2.1) group development and career promotion activities for increasing the elderly’s income according to local resources, 2.2) operation networks of the elderly within the province, and 2.3) budget and academic supportive agencies in local areas. 3) The elderly was mainly living their lives according to Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy, having income management plan and guidelines for developing and solving community problems of the elderly groups in all 4 sub-districts occurred on the basis of supportive activities of both public and private organizations and other development parties. 4) The developed model was tried out. The researchers pushed various activities at the village level where the elderly deserved and needed. The elderly themselves created activities each community was interested in, depending on the current real situation, namely 1) problems, 2) need, 3) good products in the community, and 4) needed activities. The activities occurring during the experiment were still examples of the model developed by the researchers. This experiment of the model was an important step in the model development.
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