Strategy, Health Promotion for the Elderly, Local Government Organization, Upper North EasternAbstract
The objectives of the research article were: 1) to investigate the current problems of health promotion for the elderly of the local government organization in the upper northeastern of Thailand, 2) to determine the strategy of health promotion for the elderly of the local government organization, and 3) to implement and evaluate the strategy of health promotion for the elderly of the local government organization. This research was a research and development model with 3 phases: Phase 1: problems of health promotion for the elderly, use an interview of 20 people, and a questionnaire of 400 people, purposive sampling, about promoting the health of the elderly. Phase 2: Formulate a strategy of health promotion for the elderly of local government organizations, become a qualified person with knowledge and ability to develop leadership skills. Use in-depth interviews and focus group discussions for 20 people, and phase 3: to implement and evaluate of strategies use the assessment of 30 people, from the parent contributor group with a purposive sampling using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and analyzing the content and summarized in a table. The results of the study revealed that: 1) problems of health promotion for the elderly, overall is moderate ( = 2.65, S.D. = 0.65), there are 5 aspects: 1.1) modification of the health service system, 1.2) public policy creation for health, 1.3) personal development develop, 1.4) community strengthening, and 1.5) environmental promotion. 2) The strategic formulation consists of vision, mission, objectives or goals, strategic plan work planproject budget indicators, and expected benefits. There were 3 strategies: 2.1) reforming the public health service system, 2.2) creating public health policies for health, and 2.3) developing personal skills. and 3) implementation and evaluation; there are reasonability and possibility, an average of more than >3.51 or higher level, considered to pass the assessment criteria.
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