
  • Kitdanai Jangsagnthong North Bangkok University, Thailand
  • Sowwanee Sikkhabundit North Bangkok University, Thailand
  • Monsit Sittisomboon Advisor Naresuan University, Thailand


Management Model, Education Quality Assurance, Basic Education


          The Objectives of this research article were to 1) Study the condition and guidelines of management for internal educational quality assurance management of basic educational schools. 2) Develop a management model. 3) To try out the model. 4) Evaluate a management model for internal educational quality assurance management of basic educational schools by using mixed method The sample group of studies, condition and management approach included school directors, deputy-directors and persons who were responsible for the school internal quality assurance used in the quantitative research, 117 people and the qualitative research, 12 people. The sample group of model evaluation Tested included experts, external assurance, school directors, and supervisors of 9 people. The research tool is a management model for internal educational quality assurance management of basic educational schools and satisfaction assessment form. Data were analyzed using basic statistics. Statistics test hypothesis and content analysis The finding revealed that; 1) The condition of internal educational quality assurance management of basic educational schools Omit, there was a high level of practice. The Guidelines for the Management of Educational Quality Assurance consist of 7 aspects, 63 sub-indicators. 2) The development of the model found that there are 2 components: 1) internal quality assurance 2) administration model is "E-PDCA" 3) Results of measuring knowledge of trainees using the model before and after the training, there were statistically significant differences at the .05 level, with higher development. And they were satisfied with the overall layout at a high level. 4) Evaluation of the model indicated that its quality as a whole was at the high level, and the quality aspects of utility, feasibility, appropriateness, and accuracy were also at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Jangsagnthong, K., Sikkhabundit, S., & Sittisomboon, M. (2021). A MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR INTERNAL EDUCATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE OF BASIC EDUCATIONAL SCHOOLS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(5), 302–317. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/248855



Research Articles