
  • Chittapa Sarapadnuke Chaipunya Burapha University
  • Chanikant Kukeati Burapha University
  • Kanrapee Somchit Burapha University
  • Sarinya Khwanthong Burapha University
  • Chuthamat Srirasa Burapha University


The King’s philosophy, Concept, King Rama IX’s best novel


         The objectives of this research article were to examine the concepts which are compatible with the King’s philosophy in King Rama IX’s nine novels recognized the best from the selection committee for His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s literary works which present the King’s philosophy. Novels Included Kao Chue Karn, Tung Maharaj, Bang Krapong, Bussabok Baimai, Pooying Konnan Chue Boonrod, Pooyai Lee Kab Nangma, Paendin Nee Yang Ruenrom, Paidaeng, and Look I-saan. This study is a documentary research relying on descriptive - analytical approach. The results show 5 obvious dimensions including 1) self - reliance, 2) sufficiency, 3) endeavor, 4) knowledgeability and understandability about work, geography and social context, and 5) altruism. All the five dimensions of the King’s philosophy can be found inclusively in the 9 works, and all five dimensions are interrelated. This interrelation implies that the King’s philosophy is the fundamental principle that can be applied into everyone’s life. It fosters happiness, facilitates success in household and occupational lives, and allows everyone to live in society peacefully and help each other by focusing on the common interest benefits. Based on altruistic practice, our society will be driven forwards stably and sustainably. Although the nine works were composed some decades ago, the philosophical ideas reflected through their stories are still evergreen. Therefore, the King’s philosophy is not just an intangible thought and discourse but it evidentially effective and applicable.


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How to Cite

Chaipunya, C. S. ., Kukeati, C., Somchit, K., Khwanthong, S., & Srirasa, C. (2021). THE KING’S PHILOSOPHY IN KING RAMA IX’S BEST NOVELS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(6), 190–203. Retrieved from



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