Participation, Sustainable Tourism Management, Wat Lam Phaya Floating MarketAbstract
The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the participation level of the Wat Lam Phaya Floating Market, Bang Len district, Nakhon Pathom in sustainable tourism management, and 2) compare the participation level of the Wat Lam Phaya Floating Market, Bang Len district, Nakhon Pathom in sustainable tourism management according to gender, educational level, career, and the length of living time. The quantitative method was used in this research. The population used in this research consisted of 1,958 people listed in the population census register Lam Phaya Subdistrict. The sample included 400 people. The research instrument was questionnaire obtained from the sample group of 400 people selected through the probability sampling. The statistical analysis used in this study were percentage, frequency, average, standard deviation, t-test, and ANOVA by using SPSS program. The results of the participation of the local community in the Wat Lam Phaya Floating Market community on sustainable tourism management show that 1) In addition to the level of participation, these participants expressed their attitudes towards the participation community on sustainable tourism management at a high level. When considering their income, the participants mostly reported their attitudes involving the operation and implementation, followed by benefit sharing, the follow - up and evaluation, giving opinion, as well as, planning and making decision respectively. 2) The sample participants whose gender, age, level of education, careers, and the length of living time in the area were various, resulting in the different participation of sustainable tourism management. However, there had no difference in sustainable tourism management by the sample with different income groups. This research, therefore, has suggested. Suggestions that the new generation should highly be encouraged to take part or participate in tourism management.
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