
  • Saringkan Jaipanta Naresuan University
  • Anucha Kornpuang Naresuan University
  • Pakorn Prachanban Naresuan University
  • Thirasak Uppamaiathichai Naresuan University


Participatory Management, Promoting Employment, Pattern, Students with Intellectual Disabilities


          The objectives of this research article were 1) to study the condition and guidelines for management 2) to establish a participatory management model to promote employment for students with intellectual disabilities in special education bureau 3) to evaluate a management model. The researcher applied research and development methodology to use in this research; there were 3 steps: 1) condition and guidelines study. The sample groups were the school administrators, deputy directors of academic affairs, teacher in vocation teaching, a total of 144 people, and 5 schools with good practice. The experts were school administrators and former school administrators, a total of 3 people. The instrument consisted of the questionnaire and the semi-structured interview. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean, standard deviation, and interpret the results of the criteria 2) establishing model by bringing information from step one to draft model and check the appropriateness of draft model used seminars based on experts, a total of 9 people for analyzed content 3) evaluated model by school administrators, deputy directors of academic affairs and teachers in vocational teaching, a total of 323 people used possibility and model’s benefit questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean, standard deviation, and interpret the results of criteria. The research result indicated that: the management condition was at a high overall. The administration’s guidelines consisted of strategic management, participatory management, teamwork, decentralization, and success factor that consisted of 5 components of model 1) roles of stakeholders 2) strategic management with participatory 3) methods of promoting professional and employment skill 4) teamwork 5) result which assesses possibility and benefit’s model was at high in overall.


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How to Cite

Jaipanta, S. ., Kornpuang, A. ., Prachanban, P. ., & Uppamaiathichai, T. . (2021). A PARTICIPATIORY MANAGEMENT MODEL TO PROMOTE EMPLOYMENT FOR STUDENTS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES IN SPECIAL EDUCATION BUREAU. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(9), 215–231. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/249619



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