Communication Model for Building Brand Equity of Higher Education in Social Engagement Concept


  • Thitiphat Limsumlitnipa


Communication, Corporate Brand Equity, Social Engagement


The objectives of this study were to develop the communication model to build brand equity in Higher education for social engagement concept. The key informants are institutional Administrators, teachers and staffs, student and the leaders of the community that amount 68 persons. The research methodology is qualitative research methods which in-depth interview group interview and focus group technic.

The findings that communication models were developed to building the corporate brand equity of higher education institutions in social engagement concept. The core of brand equity is the KICC model.

 The set of meaning “KICC” model is 1) Knowledge (K) : The knowledge has come from the education institute and community,2) Integrated (I) : To integrate of sciences between the education institute and community,3) Co-Creation (C) : The operation to plan, practice, solve, and publish for the public, and 4) Continuity (C): To continue and consistently operate base on the social engagement.

Moreover, the KICC model bring to brand equity of the education institute by marketing communications tools which advertising, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion and direct marketing base on the creative message strategy (Perception, Persuasion and, Awareness) and the media strategy (Online media and Offline media)


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How to Cite

Limsumlitnipa, T. (2021). Communication Model for Building Brand Equity of Higher Education in Social Engagement Concept. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(4), 96–110. Retrieved from



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