Control Measures, Chemical, Glyphosate, Safety, FarmersAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to study the relationship between the perception of control measures and reduction of chemical use with Glyphosate use behavior of farmers. This was mixed research. Calculate the sample from Crazy and Morgan's formula. A sample of 382 maize growers of office of agricultural research and development region 2 was obtained by random sampling were used for quantitative research. Qualitative research has a group of key contributors. In total, 6 executives and academics were selected by the office of agricultural research and development region 2 and Phitsanulok provincial agricultural office.Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. Descriptive statistics were applied, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis was also administered. The statistical significance level was set at .05. Analyze qualitative research data by interpreting interviews, and analyze the content obtained from studying the document With a focus on research objectives and conceptual frameworks It was found from the research that overall of farmers perceive measures to control and reduce chemicals for safety is at a high level ( = 2.37). All farmers are aware importance of the habit of using Glyphosate; Both before spraying, during spraying and after spraying. ( = 2.88). the perception of control measures and reduction of chemical use has a medium positive correlation with Glyphosate use behavior with a significant level of .01 (r = .306, p - value .000). The multiple regression analyzes, it was found that Legal measures, training and publicizing measures, research measures for alternative alternatives, and measures to control the import of cultivated land have a positive correlation on Glyphosate use behavior variations of 19.6%, 18.0%, 12.8%, and 12.5% respectively.
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