
  • Adipon Euajarusphan Thammasat University


Agricultural Program, Television, Content Presentation Format, Farmer


          The objectives of this study were: 1) to explore the preliminary information of Thai agricultural television programs broadcast in analog to digital system and 2) to study the formats of content which suitable to farmers. This is a qualitative research gathering data via collected and recorded on a coding sheet form and in-depth interviews with 20 farmers who regularly watched digital TV. This research found that; 1) From all television programs aired in 2019 and 2020, only 8 of them were agricultural television programs which covered a total of 355 minutes of airtime per week. In 2016, there were 17 television programs with agricultural content, totaling 805 minutes of airtime per week. In 2008, there was a total of 19 agricultural content TV programs, totaling 512 minutes of airtime per week. The agricultural programs’ broadcasting time on television was found to be suitable for farmers' livelihoods in general, with agricultural programs broadcast in the morning between 04:00-07:30 and in the evening between 16:00-21:00. These two periods of time were given feedback as suitable times for farmers to receive agricultural information from various communication channels. 2) As for the format of content which to be suitable for framers, considering the channels of communication, the agricultural programs suitable for farmers must be able to motivate farmers to want to seek more agricultural information. Television and radio programs were found to be the channels with the most interest among farmers. However, they should offer agricultural news and information at a time suitable for farmers. The programs should also be easily accessible and inexpensive. Concerning the message or content in all media channels, it must be adjusted so that farmers can easily understand or be suitable for all education levels. Important information that farmers need includes midstream data such as pest management and downstream data such as distribution and logistics management.


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How to Cite

Euajarusphan, A. . (2021). THAI AGRICULTURAL-RELATED TELEVISION PROGRAM AND THE FORMATS OF CONTENT WHICH SUITABLE TO FARMERS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(4), 324–337. Retrieved from



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