Model, Women's Roles Movement, Community Development, 21st CenturyAbstract
The objectives of this research article were: 1) the roles and problems of women's operations towards sustainable community development in the 21st century, 2) women’s roles movement towards sustainable community development in the 21st century, and 3) Proposing the model of women’s roles movement towards sustainable community development in the 21st century. By qualitative research, there are 2 phases: phase 1 roles, conditions, operational problems, and women's role driven. By studying the document, use structured interview. Select a specific sample represented by people involved in community development. There are 4 groups: 1) community development and social development commissioner, 2) women's role development fund committee, 3) women, and 4) scholars from 22 persons. And phase 2 model of women’s roles movement towards sustainable community development, using focus group from 10 persons. Using analyze content and summarizing the overview. The research was found that: 1) The women’s roles is take care of the family, drive the community economy and social participation. And contribute to society, there are 4 aspects of operating problems: 1.1) family, 1.2) social, 1.3) education and 1.4) government policy. 2) women's role driven, there are 4 aspects: 2.1) economic, 2.2) social and cultural, 2.3) Politics, and 2.4) natural resources. And 3) The model is “1, adjust, 2, create, 4, develop” called ACD Model: 1 The adjustment is to adjust the thinking process and values towards women's rights and liberties, 2 creating is building leadership skills and creativity, and 4 development is women's role development in 4 areas: 1) economy, promoting community enterprises, creating jobs, and income 2) social and culture, develop skills and skills that are accepted 3) politics, network building and 4) natural resources and environment. To increase women's potential in career, income and sustainable community economic development.
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