Process, Outcome, Moral Teaching in The School ProjectAbstract
The objectives of this article were to: 1) study the implementation of moral teaching in the school project, and 2) analyze the achievement of the implement of moral teaching in the school project of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. This was integrated research methods both quantitative and questionnaires. Use Stratified Random Sampling the sample group includes: students, moral teaching in the school, mentors, and administrators of 1,600 peoples. Using statistical analyze the frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. And qualitative In-depth interviews by purposive sampling were key informants such as students, moral teaching in the school, mentors, and administrators of 10 peoples. By content analysis and summarizing as an overview. The research was found that: 1) implement of moral teaching in the school project are 4 aspects, overall is high level includes 1.1) moral teaching management ( = 3.60, S.D. = .840), 1.2) develop of the master of morality ( = 3.63, S.D. = .829), 1.3) effectiveness the of moral teaching in the school ( = 3.67, S.D. = .849), and 1.4) process of monitoring and controlling the quality of moral teachings ( = 3.69, S.D.= .850). 2) Achievement of the implement of moral teaching in the school project, overall is high level by group is the administrators, mentors, and students are 4 aspects includes 2.1) students’ knowledge about Buddhism, 2.2) students’ attitude towards the study of Buddhism, 2.3) moral behavior of the learners, and 2.4) teaching efficiency of the moral monks. The moral teaching in the School project is a very good project because it acquires knowledge fully understand Buddhism, know how to practice, gain access to the Buddhist essence, make the child relevant to the religion and perform the duties of the Buddhists properly.
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