โปรแกรมการใช้เวลาว่าง, สุขภาวะ, ผู้สูงอายุAbstract
The purpose of this research and development study was to develop of leisure program for enhancing well-being of older adults, and to study effects of leisure program for enhancing well-being of older adults. Samples were 60 older adults up in Nonthaburi were screened by well-being test. Then they were selected by match-paired sampling into experimental and control groups, 30 for each. Samples in the extended study were selected by simple random from 5 clubs, with thirty participants in each group, including older adults’ clubs Bang Mae Nang, Nakornnon, Bang Sri Mueang, Pakkred and Chompoowake. Research instruments were: 1) well-being test (IOC = 0.86 – 1 and a Cronbach reliability of 0.91) and
2) leisure program for enhancing well-being of older adults with the face validity was approved by 7 leisure experts. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation and a t-test.
The findings were as follows: 1) after attending 8-week program, there were significant differences in well-being between before and after of experimental group at .05 level, as well as the well-being of experimental group had significant better than the control group at the statistical of .05 after attending 8-week program. 2) to the extended of 5 clubs, the well-being after attended were higher than before attended at .05. And 3) the leisure program manual was the most appropriate for further applications (x = 3.00)
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