
  • Thaksin Rakjing Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Chalermsak Toomhirun Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • จินดา ขลิบทอง Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Pichetwut Nillaor Prince of Songkla University Trang Campus


Tourism Extension and Development Model, Agro - tourism, Local Administrative Organizations


The Objectives of this research article were 1) to analyze and synthesis the management of agro - tourism extension and development guidelines in the local administrative organizations with best practices, 2) to study the importance levels of management, extension and development of agro - tourism and network, 3) to analyze and synthesis agro - tourism extension and development model, and 4) to evaluate model effectiveness. this mixed methods, fifteen local administrative organization executives, 50 agro - tourism representatives, 100 good practices network representatives, and 10 agro - tourism management experts were recruited. Purposive sampling and simple random sampling techniques were conducted in this study. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, factor analysis and content analysis. The study results revealed that: 1) Nine dimensions of good management practices guideline, 5A components of agro - tourism attractions, and 3 tourism extension standards were included in the agro - tourism management guideline. 2) Mean scores of the importance of good management, and standard agro - tourism extension and development were observed at the high level. There were no statistically significant differences in all scores between agro - tourism representative and the network representative groups (sig.>0.05). 3) There were 3 main components of this model including: 3.1) five areas of effective guidelines for agro - tourism management, extension and development in the local administration organization, 3.2) model linked to innovation, participation and strategy, and 3.3) three goal standards for sustainability. 4) Overall score of model effectiveness was observed at the highest level. These findings demonstrate that the model is suitable for practical application in the contexts of local administrative organization


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How to Cite

Rakjing, T. ., Toomhirun, C. ., ขลิบทอง จ. ., & Nillaor, . P. . (2021). AGRO-TOURISM EXTENSION AND DEVELOPMENT MODEL BY LOCAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(5), 408–424. Retrieved from



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