
  • Niramol Treetrapetch Suansunandha Rajabhat University
  • Tawee Jamjumrus Suansunandha Rajabhat University
  • Withilak Chantanasombat Suansunandha Rajabhat University


Success of Beekeeping, Thai Beekeepers, Ecological Equilibrium


The Article research was objectives 1) Objective to study the level of farmers qualification Bee worker management Ecological balance, marketing effect 2) to study the components that affect success And 3) to study the development of patterns affecting the success of beekeeping among Thai beekeepers. This research uses a combination of research methods. The quantitative data were collected from 300 beekeepers in 4 provinces. Sampling was stratified using a questionnaire based on 20 times criteria, 15 variables. The method was used and analyzed by a structural equation model. Qualitative, in-depth interviews with 15 key informants - farmers, beekeepers and successful people - were determined, and analyzed and presented descriptive data. The research findings showed that: 1) beekeepers’ qualifications, beekeeping management, ecological equilibrium and marketing performance were rated at a high level whereas the success of beekeeping of Thai beekeepers was at the highest level; and 2) ecological equilibrium had the greatest overall influence on the success of beekeeping of Thai beekeepers, followed by beekeeping management, beekeepers’ qualifications, and marketing performance, respectively; and 3) The relational model of side components Farmer qualifications Bee worker management Ecological balance And the effect of marketing on the success of beekeeping of Thai beekeepers is a guideline for the development of a complete beekeeping career that will lead to sustainable success in the future. Lead to the development of beekeeping effectively and to promote sustainable quality of life for farmers Success in beekeeping at the highest level the rest is at a high level


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How to Cite

Treetrapetch, N. ., Jamjumrus, . T. ., & Chantanasombat, W. . (2021). FACTORS AFFECTING THE SUCCESS OF THAI BEEKEEPERS IN BEEKEEPING. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(5), 359–377. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/250059



Research Articles