Potential Development, Administrators of Child Development Center, Education 4.0, Local Government OrganizationsAbstract
The Objectives of this research article were to 1) study the composition of the development of the administrators of child development centers. In the age of education 4.0 2) present a model for developing the capacity of the administrators of the child development center from experts in the administration of educational institutions Including administrators of local government organizations Director of Education Division Network leader for teachers Under the local government organization. The sample consisted of 21 people selected by specific and the sample used in the research was the administrators of the Child Development Center and teachers at the Child Development Center Under the local government organization, Lamphun Province, 123 people selected by sampling.Tools used for data collection Including open-ended questionnaires and estimation questionnaire the research process used Delphi technique. The statistics used to record the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation. For plain information complex data take the median and the quartile range. The results of the research were as follows: 1) development of the capacity of the administrators of child development centers in the age of education 4.0. there should be six components for developing the capacity of the administrators of child development centers in the education 4.0 era as follows: 1.1) Administration of Child Development Center 1.2) Personnel management 1.3) Course Administration 1.4) Building management 1.5) Environment Management 1.6) Relationship management of child development centers with communities 2) Research can develop the capacity of the administrators of the child development center In the age of education 4.0 there should be a potential development in Personnel Management Course Administration Facility Management Environment management Managing the relationship of the child development center with the community Child development center administrators must play a role in the management of child development centers. According to the model for developing the capacity of administrators of child development centers in the age of education 4.0.
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