Transformational leadership, Transformational leadership, Human Resource Development, Human Resource Development, Organizational innovation, Organizational innovation, Digital Transformation, Digital TransformationAbstract
The objectives of this research article were 1) to study the levels of opinion, transformational leadership factors, human resource development, organizational innovation, and digital transformation 2) to analyze the influence of transformational leadership, human resource development, and organizational innovation towards digital organization transformation of agencies under the Provincial Electricity Authority Region 1, the northern region. It was mixed methods research. The sample group consisted of 500 employees who were not department heads, they were level 3-7 of the Provincial Electricity Authority Region 1, the Northern Region, using the sample size criteria for the analysis of the structural equation model. The research tool was an online questionnaire and focus group of 40 participants for collecting qualitative data who are from the same group of participants but did not respond through an online questionnaire. Participants in the discussion according to the division of the organization. The data were analyzed by AMOS program and content analysis. The results showed that the opinions were high level and the causal influence on the digital transformation of agencies under Provincial Electricity Authority Region 1, North Region consisted of 1) transformational leadership 2) human resource development, and 3) organizational innovation; found that organizational innovation has the most direct influence and human resource development had total direct influence toward digital organization transformation except transformational leadership there is no direct influence on organizational innovation but had indirect effect toward organizational innovation and digital transformation through human resource development. The results were a new body of knowledge that could be a guideline for human resource development, including the assignment of organizational innovation strategies and guidelines for the Provincial Electricity Authority in other areas.
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