
  • Prayoon Pukdeepatanatorn Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University
  • Punya Lertgrai Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University
  • Sasalak Tongkaw Songkhla Rajabhat University


Phenomenology, the Study of the Family Life, New Mothers


          The objectives of this article were to enhance the understanding of two important approaches to phenomenological studies, Phenomenology based on the concept of Edmund Husserl; aiming to describe the meaning created in the consciousness Emphasis on perceptual insights into the structure or essence of the human experience and interpretive phenomenology Martin Heidegger's conceptual study focuses on the interpretation of the subjective person. Emphasis on reaching the meaning of the experience Understanding the importance of status quo. Used as a tool to study the family lifestyle of new mothers. It starts with choosing a relevant paradigm. Selection of contributors, tool use, data collection, and results in analysis from new mothers' experiences, thoughts, feelings, behavior, and self-care from the time of pregnancy to the time of childbearing, child care, as well as from her husband's experiences. Family members and close relatives such as uncles, aunts, grandfathers, grandmothers, contexts, society, beliefs and cultures, village health volunteer, orderly, subdistrict health-promoting hospitals, who take care of new mothers and children. The researcher must understand and extract the body of knowledge in order to interpret. Describing the phenomenon and must take into account the meaning and feelings of the informants who have experienced the incident as necessary It is not the meaning or feeling of the researcher himself. At this point, it is important that the philosophy of phenomenology plays an important role in the study of this method. Extracted as a set of knowledge for raising children for new mothers or transferring to friends, relatives, or people interested in taking care of, behaving, and promoting the child's further development.


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How to Cite

Pukdeepatanatorn, P. ., Lertgrai, P. ., & Tongkaw, S. . (2021). THE PHENOMENOLOGY AND THE STUDY OF FAMILY LIFE OF BEING NEW MOTHERS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(10), 67–79. Retrieved from



Academic Article