
  • Chayada Kempetch Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Potential, Community Strengthening, Research and Innovation


          The objectives of this research article were to Evaluate the Potential of Community Strengthening by Research and Innovation. This study was an Action Research utilizing the mixed methods of qualitative and quantitative approach. The sample included 269 communities selected from The Sufficiency Economy and New Theory of Agriculture Distric Learning Center all over the country. Data were collected using 5 dimensions of community strength of self - assessment, and analyzed by descriptive statistics of frequency and percentages. Qualitative data were collected using participant observation and analyzed by inductive content analysis, also using TERMS Model as the main idea to explain. The results were The Potential of Community Strengthening were enhanced through research and innovation in every project indicated: 1) The infrared rotary dryer raised the economic dimension from medium to strong level. 2) The innovation of Automatic Mushroom Cultivation Cabinet raised the mean level from strong to the strongest level, the learning dimension from strong to the strongest level, the economic dimension from low to medium level and the public sector development dimension from strong to the strongest level. 3) Parabolic Greenhouse Solar Dryers raised the mean level from strong to the strongest level, the learning dimension from strong to the strongest level and the economic dimension from medium to strong level. 4) Solar Pump for Social Communities raised the learning dimension from strong to the strongest level and the economic dimension from medium to strong level and 5) Wood Vinegar Distillery technology raised the mean level from strong to the strongest level, the learning dimension from strong to the strongest level and the economic dimension from strong to the strongest level. The results showed that the communities supported by knowledge from research and innovation were development in the technological self - reliance component and enhancing potential of community strengthening. All were successful from “C3 - SPERIT Model”


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How to Cite

Kempetch, C. . (2021). ENHANCING POTENTIAL OF COMMUNITY STRENGTHENING BY RESEARCH AND INNOVATION. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(6), 435–449. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/251085



Research Articles