Model, Enhancing Competency, Group Self-Management, Wisdom ElderlyAbstract
The objectives of this article were to: 1) study the competency on group self-management of the elderly to transfer wisdom to the community, 2) study the current group management conditions, 3) create a model for enhancing competency on group management, and 4) try out and assess the model. The study steps were as follows: 1) studying the competency by interviewing 10 key informants, 2) studying the current group management conditions by interviewing 32 key informants from the district elderly clubs in Phetchaburi Province, and analyzing the content, 3) creating a model by using Synthesis and 4) try out and evaluate the model by try out the model with 2 elderly groups, 10 persons each, and 20 recipients Purposive sampling. The instruments were a questionnaire for assessing the competency and a form for evaluating satisfaction in receiving wisdom transfer. The data were analyzed by analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The observation was also used during the model implementation. The research results were: 1) the competency on group management consisted the core competency, management competency, and competency on transfer techniques, 2) the current group management conditions were that the group lacked a written compilation, which was at risk of loss, and that the elderly lacked knowledge on group management and efficient technique of transfer wisdom, 3) the model consisted of the elderly group compiling wisdom in writing form, provision of knowledge on competency, promotion of planning on group management, practice trial, and evaluation, and 4) the evaluation results revealed that both elderly groups had higher post-training competency than before training with statistical significance at the .01 level, that the recipients’ satisfaction on receiving the wisdom was at high level, and the observation result revealed that the elderly could perform according to the model and the objectives were achieved.
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