Career Curriculum, Non-formal Education, Herbal, Phayao ProvinceAbstract
The purpose of this research was 1) To study the knowledge about local herbs in Mae Ka, Muang District, Phayao Province 2) Created and study the effective of career curriculum 3) Study of lessons on curriculum by Research and Development methodology. The sample random technique were 75 people. The criteria of sample by Equitable Education Fund as; informal labor 30 people, State welfare card 7 people, unemployed 13 people, Ageing 24 people, and handicap 1 man. The instrumental has 2 type; The instrumentation for the procedure of activities was career curriculum and the instrumentation for collected the data were the questionnaires. The analytical data phase I and phase II by content analysis, phase III analyze by mean, standard division and content analysis.The results were found that the contents of curriculum focus on the herbal for drinking water and the property of repellent. The career curriculum was consisting of introduction, vision, goals, structure, contents, learning activities, materials and assessment. The highest career of successful found that the herbal drinking water, follow by mosquito repellent lamp and the last one is mosquito repellent aroma candle. The result of questionnaires found that highest score was improving quality of life mean 4.28, followed by the same was knowledge and occupation mean 4.10, and the least was networking mean was 4.08 and the learning lesson were increase knowledge of local wisdom, awareness of herbs, volunteers, marketers and social mind.
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