Strategies of capacity development for small and medium-size garment industry business for export
export strategy, ready-made garments, small and medium business, ready-made garment export businessAbstract
This article aims to 1)study the factors affecting the success of entrepreneurs, small and medium garment industry for export 2)establish strategies for developing the potential of entrepreneurs in the garment industry, small and medium for export. The researcher conducted a study from a sample group. Which owns 400 business owners in Bangkok and its vicinity. The research instruments were questionnaires. Statistical value, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis The results of the research were as follows: There are 10 strategies for setting the strategy 1) There is an exchange of knowledge in the same occupation group for innovation in the production of ready-to-wear 2) collaborating with the media to stimulate the purchase of products. Know, understand and support innovation 4) There is a showroom to show samples of all business products for easy decision-making 5) Retaining old customers and adding new customers with quality products 6) There are Product design services for groups of customers who want premium products. 7) Pay attention to punctuality according to appointments with customers. 8) Create the image of employees to stand out from the competition. 9) There are activities with Customer to maintain the relationship all the time. 10) Brand design to be easily recognized
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