
  • Wikamol Damdoungrom Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University
  • Nawasanan Wongprasit Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University
  • Jamnean Joungtrakul Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University


Management Model, Integrated Agriculture, Sustainable Development


          The objectives of this research article were to study the Integrated agriculture management model for sustainable development in the Pak Panang River Basin, Nakhon Si Thammarat. The research objectives were as follows: 1) to study the factors affecting the integrated agriculture management model for sustainable development 2) to develop a model of integrated agriculture for sustainable development of farmers. Integrated agriculture will lead to the sustainable development of Thai farmers. To have income stability, society, and environment. There was 3 step for this research. The first step is to study quantitative research. Using questionnaires ask opinions of farmers representatives of 398 samples. The data were analyzed by using statistical mean (gif.latex?\bar{x}), standard deviation (S.D.), Pearson's product - moment correlation coefficient, and Multiple regression analysis (MRA). The second step, Conduct qualitative research. With the use of in - depth interviews Interview with representatives from government agencies, community leaders, and 10 farmers. Using a direct content analysis method. The last step, a group discussion with 7 expert scholars. The research found that: 1) Factors affecting the management of integrated agriculture. The average value was at a moderate level. 2) The sustainability level of integrated agriculture. 3) The relationship between factors of the integrated agricultural management model in the understanding of integrated agriculture. Inputs management and advice from the government sector. There was a very positive relationship with the sustainability of integrated agriculture. Has a forecasting power of 58.08 percent, a statistically significant .05 and 4) The effect of the integrated agriculture management model for sustainable development in the Pak Phanang River Basin. Nakhon Si Thammarat Province consists of 1) awareness of the value of sustainability, 2) self - development through integrated agriculture, 3) efficient resource allocation, and 4) life and happiness arising from community connections.


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How to Cite

Damdoungrom, W., Wongprasit, N., & Joungtrakul, J. (2021). INTEGRATED AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE PAK PANANG RIVER BASIN, NAKON SI THAMMARAT. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(7), 164–182. retrieved from



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