
  • Thapakorn Thongkamnush Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • Benjaporn Chuapung Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • Tharida Sakulrat Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi


Identity, Service Experience, Luxurious, Coffee Tourism


The Objectives of this research article were to 1) to find elements of Coffee Tourism in Ayutthaya province 2) to find out the identity on luxurious service experience of coffee tourism in Ayutthaya province, and 3) establish and develop luxurious service experiences of coffee business identity in Ayutthaya province. This study has employed qualitative research method through in-depth interviews with 45 coffee tourism-related participants. Research findings reveal that Gen Y coffee tourism compositions consist of; 1) Uniqueness of local raw material, which is the most mentioned topic, 2) Land of servicescape the internal coffee shop service, 3) Barista who suitable personality ability to make beverages, 4) Charming activity for emotional enhancement and enjoyment, 5) Facility and service of the coffee shop such as an area where tourists can co-working space, and 6) Transportation and basic infrastructure systems. Research findings objective 2 categorized luxurious services into 6 experiences; 1) Experiences fulfilling power of life, 2) Experiences on exceeding expectation welcoming and services, 3) Experiences on authentic value, 4) Experiences in self-learning and challenging, 5) Experiences in constructing pride, and 6) Experience on memories. Finally, offer guidelines for coffee tourism experiences that the researcher discovered five elements of the luxurious experience identity: 1) Design concept coffee Tourism Space 2) Activities to promote learning 3) Empathy 4) use of local wisdom 5) community linkage. The guideline for the development of coffee tourism in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province


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How to Cite

Thongkamnush, T., Chuapung, B., & Sakulrat, T. (2022). LUXURY SERVICE EXPERIENCE GUIDELINES OF COFFEE TOURISM IN AYUTTHAYA PROVINCE . Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(3), 190–206. Retrieved from



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