
  • Natha Methabutsayathon Western University, Thailand
  • Suree Chantamolee Western University, Thailand
  • Prapapen Suwan Western University, Thailand


Causal Factors, Quality Of Life, Type 2 Diabetic


          The objectives of this research article were to study the level of causal factors and type 2 diabetic’s quality of life, examine the goodness of fit the model of causal factors influencing type 2 diabetic’s quality of life developed by the researcher with the empirical data and explain the path of causal factors influencing type 2 diabetic’s quality of life. Using a quantitative research model. The population was type 2 diabetics in Tambon Health Promoting Hospital, Nakhonpathom Province, aged 45-79 years. 833 sample size derived by stratified random sampling and simple random sampling. Data collection was questionnaire, reliability 0.95. The data collected were analyzed by descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis and part analysis. The result of research were found as follows: The diabetes mellitus health literacy, motivation to preventing complications, social support, healthy lifestyle and type 2 diabetic’s quality of life are moderate level. The goodness of fit test the model of causal factors influencing type 2 diabetic’s quality of life developed showed that the model was consistent with the empirical data the relative Chi-Square=1.99 CFI=1.00 GFI=0.98 AGFI=0.95 RMSEA=0.04 SRMR=0.03 and the diabetes mellitus health literacy, motivation to preventing complications, social support had direct influence on healthy lifestyle coefficient of influence 0.11 0.16 and 0.26 and had indirect influence on quality of life coefficient of influence 0.09 0.14 and 0.23, healthy lifestyle had direct influence on quality of life coefficient of influence 0.88. The variables in the influence path model were able to account for 79 percent of the variance in quality of life. Suggest that the owner of diabetes work encourages patients to lead a healthy lifestyle by creating a diabetes awareness program. Motivation to prevent complications and build social support participation which resulted in the patient having a higher level of quality of life.


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How to Cite

Methabutsayathon, N. ., Chantamolee, S., & Suwan, P. (2021). CAUSAL FACTORS INFLUENCING QUALITY OF LIFE AMONG TYPE 2 DIABETICS, NAKHONPATHOM PROVINCE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(7), 415–428. Retrieved from



Research Articles