Network Management System, Healthcare with Plant Bio-Extract, Recipe in The Tripitika, Central Region Community RecipesAbstract
The Objectives of this research article were to investigate and analyze the management system of plant bio-extract networks for healthcare from the Tripitika’s recipe to the recipes of the central region communities in Thailand; and to provide the guidelines for problem solving in management system and developing the products to meet the standards. Research method applied purposive sampling for obtaining 4 samples of plant bio-extract networks from 4 provinces under selective criteria as location, knowledge and experiences, number of members, grouping, production, product distribution as well as healthcare method. Sources of primary data collections were in depth interviews from 12 key informants, 24 casual informants and 40 general informants, observation, focus group discussion divided into 4 groups of 15, 17, 15 and 11 members; and workshops including 36 participants. Secondary data sources were from the Tripitika, researches, world organization reports relevant to the healthcare; national and international conference proceedings including written reports relevant to the products from the producers and the users. Typology and logical analysis were applied for data analyses with descriptive summaries. It was found that all networks were similar in natural group formations and applying the original recipe available in the Tripitika while different uses in the types of raw materials, nutrient media and the mixing ratio of water. Products were distributed to the members in the forms of giving, product exchanging and sales. Products used for self-healthcare covered drinking, lotion, spraying and bathing, with differences in type of products used for each care. Problems found in the management system were identified and the guidelines of problem solutions as well as the development of products have been proposed to meet the plant bio-extract standard.
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